As I mentioned in the Five Month Update post, we've decided to start Rhett on solids. We decided he was ready when a tooth came through and he started eating like crazy. I'm still exclusively pumping for Rhett and it's hard work! So we decided that it's time to try him out on something more than breast milk. This post will probably be pretty picture-heavy. So enjoy!
We have decided to make our own baby food, for a number of reasons. It's much better for the environment to not create extra packaging for baby food. Not to mention all of the energy that goes into creating and transporting the jarred stuff. We also believe that buying and pureeing our own food is healthier--there are no extra preservatives in our baby food. It's also fresh as can be--we can select our own produce and give Rhett he very best food that this green Earth has to offer. And of course, doing it ourselves is a bit cheaper than buying it pre-made. So overall, making our own baby food just really fits into our lifestyle.
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Supplies |
Tonight is the night that we decided to officially start giving him food regularly. We're going to start giving him purees at night, after his evening bottle. Tonight, we tried sweet potatoes. Josh and I go through a ton of sweet potatoes ourselves, so it made sense to bake up a batch for Rhett.
Ready to go! |
Rhett's reaction was pretty typical. He seemed pretty confused at first, but he did swallow it. I was amazed by how much he actually did get down. I've always heard to not expect much for a first feeding, but he seemed to get about an ounce and half down, which I thought was a good amount. Toward the end he started making faces and turning away from the spoon, so I think he's still trying to decide if he likes it or not. We're definitely going to give it another try tomorrow and see how he does. Rhett's reaction to sweet potatoes is really best summed up in picture-form, so here they are. Enjoy!