Saturday, May 18, 2013

He laughs when I laugh

Cardinals Game!

Josh and I took some time off from work and school and parenting to go to a recent Cardinals game! My first one. A lovely couple from our field work church bought us tickets. The weather could not have been more perfect for a baseball game. It was a balmy 80 degrees after the sun set.

We took the metro down to the Ballpark. It was filled with Cards fans heading out to the game. The metro was really cheap and convenient. It dropped us off right in front of the park.
The stadium gave great views of the downtown area, including the Arch. It was nice to just be able to be out in the city. 
It was a pretty short game--and we won! We were home by 10:30. Rhett didn't miss us much--it was way past his bedtime and he slept like a baby the whole time!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


I haven't written in awhile! I promise I'll make some time to sit and write out full posts soon. Exciting things are happening all around us and I can't wait to share them with all our loved ones. Here's a brief list of things that have been going on around here lately:

  • We have been accepted into on campus housing for the next school year. We don't have our specific assignment or move-in day yet, but we will be moving some time this summer. Living on campus is going to be quite a change for us. We are excited to settle into our new home soon!
  • Josh's first year at the seminary has flown by! He has just one more full week of classes left and then he'll be spending the summer with Rhett! We're excited to save money  on childcare and Josh and Rhett are thrilled to be getting more quality time with one another. 
  • Josh has accepted a position with campus security. He will be working a few night shifts each week. This will be a great supplement to my income. We are very grateful that Josh did not have to get a job during his first year at the seminary. 
  • Rhett is (already!) exhibiting signs of toddlerhood. His eating has been pickier, his temper shorter and he has been demanding a lot more entertainment lately. He hasn't been overly thrilled with giving up his bottle habit, but the strawberries are making up for it. 
  • Rhett is stubbornly refusing to walk. He seems to like crawling just fine thankyouverymuch. He'll pull up to furniture, but he's wised up to us trying to get him to stand on his own. Any time we try to lift him up to a standing position, his legs turn to jello. Ah well, it'll happen when it happens. 
That's a pretty brief update, but more is coming soon, I promise! 

Everyone remember that next weekend is Mother's Day! If you haven't already gotten your mom the perfect gift, hit up Amazon ASAP.