Sunday, August 18, 2013


Rhett is (finally) walking! As evidenced by this very short video! Previous to this week, Rhett really hadn't ever taken an intentional step. Ever. I was starting to get just the teensiest bit nervous, but he surprised us by beginning to walk to us when we called. He currently thinks of walking as a really fun game. He's aware that we get excited when he does, so he'll go back and forth between us. He's pretty slow though, so when he needs to get somewhere, he's fully aware of the best way to do it (CRAWL!!!). So it's not a mode of transportation yet, but I think he'll get there soon. He's getting heavy to cary around, so I certainly hope so!

Rhett Photos--16 Months

I wish I were a better photographer. My brother and sister have quite an eye for composing photos. I don't quite have it, though I've done a lot of reading on the subject. My sister has been advising me to try shooting on manuel for some time, but I've been a bit intimidated. I finally bit the bullet today though and decided to give it a shot. I was surprised to find out how much I liked it.  It doesn't help with the fact that Rhett (like most toddlers) is a very difficult subject to shoot. I've also been playing around on photoshop, which I'm also strictly in the 'beginner' stages of.  But here's some of my favorite shots from today--my first day shooting on M! There will be more to come!