We were thrilled to find out this afternoon that we're expecting a little girl in September! I was suspecting it was a girl this time around, but I was nowhere near the certainty that I felt when I was pregnant with Rhett. I think Rhett will really enjoy having a little sister to watch after and we're certainly looking forward to raising a daughter! I've always pictured us with "one of each" and we couldn't be more delighted with our family.
Really, there was no better way to announce our news to Rhett than balloons. That boy loves some freaking balloons.
We may have decided on a name but we're not putting any pressure on ourselves for the time being. We're test driving our frontrunner, Poppy this week. So far, it's felt like a really good fit so it might end up being her name! A middle name will be another story, but hopefully the right name will come to us soon.
We can't wait to meet her!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
A Big Boy!

Rhett has become a real boy's boy. He make everything he finds into a car. He likes to 'drive' his cars up and down our arms and legs. He loves to throw and kick balls. When we go outside, he plays in the dirt. He always plays hard and his biggest tantrums are always when it's time to come inside.
He's got a very sweet and nurturing side to him. He'll hold a lollypop out to each of his stuffed animals and ask each one "bite?....bite?". He's always willing to give us hugs and kisses and loves to cuddle up with a book or a T.V. show. If Josh is giving me a back massage, Rhett will come up behind him and rub Josh's back for him at the same time.
He's a very happy little boy. For his birthday, we took him to a local children's museum, the Magic House. He had so much fun exploring and running around. He was absolutely exhausted by the end of it. Sleeping is also an area where we have lucked out enormously. All we have to say is "time for bed" and Rhett responds "yeah ok" and goes to gather his bed things. ("yeah ok is his current favorite phrase. He's very compliant lately!)
He's still completely attached to his blankie, which we call "snuggles". He drags it around most of the day and needs it to sleep. He's also developed a deep fondness for his shoes, stemming from the fact that when they go on, we go outside. A handful of times, he's lost a shoe in public and he'll cry "Rhett's shoe! Rhett's shoe!" until it's replaced.
A peculiarity that we're always chuckling over is that the child absolutely refuses to use the word 'down'. Whenever he wants down, he always says "up" instead. Josh will even play a repeating game with him: "Say 'mommy", "MOMEE" say "milk", "MILK", say "down", "UP!". So weird. We've been getting a kick out of it.
We're so blessed and thrilled with our first born. We can't wait for him to become a big brother this year. He will surely be a blessing to his younger sister or brother!
Saturday, April 5, 2014
15 Weeks with #2
Here I am! 15 weeks with Baby #2! I'm showing a lot more than I was with Rhett. Apparently that's normal for a second pregnancy? I'm actually at the exact same weight I was when I wrote my 15 week post for my first pregnancy, but my starting weight was higher this time around. I believe I've gained weight a lot healthier this time, and it's much more concentrated in my belly. I'm hoping it'll stay that way! I'm starting to spread the word around, and several people in the last week have told me that they thought I looked pregnant before I said anything. I didn't get that comment with Rhett until I was like, 30 weeks along. I also seem to be carrying higher so far. I can still wear my pre pregnancy jeans, but tops are a lost cause.
I'm feeling good! The second trimester rocks. We'll find out the sex in less than three weeks. We're really excited to find out if we have a son or daughter on the way!
I'm feeling good! The second trimester rocks. We'll find out the sex in less than three weeks. We're really excited to find out if we have a son or daughter on the way!
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