So throughout this pregnancy, I haven't had very many severe symptoms. Morning sickness didn't happen for me. Cravings and aversions have been minimal. My boobs haven't been sore and I haven't had a single hot flash. Sure, I was tired during the first trimester, that's to be expected. I've also had my share of acne in the past few weeks. But something has hit me in the last month or so that I wasn't expecting to be so severe: pregnancy brain.
I'm quite forgetful and on top of that--my thought process can be a little bizarre at times. I don't just forget where I put my keys or my cell phone, I also forget what I'm talking about in the middle of a sentence, and sometimes I have trouble finding the words I need for the point I'm trying to make.
This story illustrates my current pregnancy symptom. It happened two nights ago.
I was sitting on the couch on my laptop, which is a pretty normal scene for me. I had been surfing for about an hour when I got up to get myself a snack. When I lifted the computer, I noticed that there was a thick, brown goo completely covering my lap and the bottom of my trusty computer. The thought that sprang immediately to my mind was a very panicked "OH NO! I CRAPPED MY PANTS". Now, for a normal person, maybe this would be the first thought that popped into their head (or maybe not). But I was convinced, for a good five minutes, that I had indeed crapped myself while sitting with the computer, and had not noticed. I was trying to figure out if I had ever heard of this as a pregnancy symptom before (I hadn't). Now I think it's important to keep in mind that (1) This mysterious brown substance was on the top of my thighs. And people don't crap out of their thighs. (2) Pregnant, or not, I would have noticed if I had crapped myself. But these matters made no difference to me. I was nearing tears over my predicament, and trying to figure out how to sneak out of the living room without Josh noticing (because crapping your pants all over your computer is humiliating) when my right mind caught up with me and I realized that it was a chocolate bar that I had unwrapped, set in my lap, promptly forgot about and proceeded to put my hot laptop on top of.
So there you have it, a funny pregnancy story of one of my most severe symptoms--Some women spend nine months puking, but I may be in store for five more months of downright crazy thoughts running through my head. I gotta say, I do think they're preferable to the puking (at least I got a good story out of it)
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