This week, I am officially half-way through with the pregnancy and we had an exciting doctor's appointment--our anatomy scan! This is the ultrasound where the doctor checks how all of the organs and bones are developing. I was a little anxious in the time leading up to the appointment. Usually, if something's going to go wrong in a pregnancy, it will show up at the anatomy scan.
But there was no need to be worried. Everything looks perfect. We got to see the heart and all its chamber, the spine, lungs, bladder and lots of other great stuff. It was amazing to get to see my complete and healthy child. He/she waved at the camera and we got to sneak a peak at the Bee sucking his thumb. Josh thinks the baby has my profile, and looks like a girl! I think he's nuts--there's no way you can tell on an ultrasound what a baby is going to look like! But it's a very sweet sentiment. And Josh seems to be MUCH better at deciphering ultrasound pictures than I am. He can point out what's what in each of our pictures and I have no idea.
Baby weighs a little under a pound, which is normal for 20 weeks gestation. The heart-rate is still 140. (heart-rates range from 120-160 at this time, so baby is right in the middle). The tech asked us before we started if we wanted to know the gender. This was our last chance to find out before the birth. I'm glad she asked us before we were actually looking at our little one, because it made it really easy to say "no". She told us later that the baby had its legs firmly crossed the whole time, so she wouldn't have been able to tell anyway. Apparently this baby wants to surprise us just as much as we want to be surprised!
Here's a couple of photos. Enjoy!
Waving its tiny fingers |
Sucking it's thumb
I can't believe you're halfway through! you'll have that sweet baby in your arms in no time :)
ReplyDelete~ Molly