So does the "nesting" phenomena really exist, or is it just an urban legend? I've been curious myself lately. I've been getting urges to get things ready for the baby. A week or so ago, I freaked out and wanted all of the baby's things ready to go. So I washed everything, put it all away, and made up the three (count em) different beds we have for the Bee. And energy to do anything pretty much died. Until today. Our house is kind of a mess, and I started to get the feeling that if I didn't do some cleaning, the baby would be DISAPPOINTED in us as parents. He can't come home for the first time to a messy house, he just can't! So today, I've been cleaning like a madwoman. I'm taking frequent breaks, to reserve my energy, but I'm not entirely sure I need them. I just got finished cleaning all of the tiny crevices in the bathroom with a toothbrush which is....not something I normally do.
So who knows? I'm currently huge, and having backaches, and not sleeping as well as I would like. But somewhere my body IS finding the energy to clean, clean, clean. So I guess I'm a believer--nesting seems like a real thing to me. And it's a good thing too, because my house could really use a through cleaning. That toothbrush is doing wonders for my bathroom
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
36 Week Appointment
Well, just one more week until I'm officially full term--the home stretch! I had my 36 week appointment today. My internal exam showed that I'm not dilated at all, and the baby is still really high up. So I probably still have some time to get that hospital bag packed and ready to go.
From feeling my belly, the doctor made a passing comment that the baby may be 'oblique'. She said we may need to do an ultrasound soon to check on the position. She didn't really explain what that meant, and I didn't ask (usually when I'm half naked I kind of space out on the questions). So of course, I googled it when I got home and found out all about the oblique position.
The oblique position is when the baby is diagonal in the womb. It's head would be right above my hip, it's butt and feet up in my ribs, and it's shoulder would be at the lowest point, down near my cervix. Based on the movements I've been feeling for the past few weeks, this position makes a lot of sense. So I'm calling it now--I think this kid is in the oblique position.
It's pretty much impossible to deliver a baby shoulder-first. Contractions should move the baby down during labor, but they will have to work pretty hard (and long) to do so. So I'm hoping that the baby gets there himself in the next four weeks. Which is a pretty likely scenario, really. He still has time and space to move down. And if the doctor confirms Bee's position with an ultrasound, there are some things we can do to try to move him. So I'm not too terribly worried, but I do think it's pretty interesting. I thought that 'breech' and 'head down' were the only positions this Bee could really be in, but apparently that's just not true.
So that's my 36 week update. Just four more weeks until I'm due, and one more week until this baby is officially full-term and won't have required NICU time, which will be a huge relief. No one wants their baby in the NICU, that just sounds horrible
From feeling my belly, the doctor made a passing comment that the baby may be 'oblique'. She said we may need to do an ultrasound soon to check on the position. She didn't really explain what that meant, and I didn't ask (usually when I'm half naked I kind of space out on the questions). So of course, I googled it when I got home and found out all about the oblique position.
The oblique position is when the baby is diagonal in the womb. It's head would be right above my hip, it's butt and feet up in my ribs, and it's shoulder would be at the lowest point, down near my cervix. Based on the movements I've been feeling for the past few weeks, this position makes a lot of sense. So I'm calling it now--I think this kid is in the oblique position.
It's pretty much impossible to deliver a baby shoulder-first. Contractions should move the baby down during labor, but they will have to work pretty hard (and long) to do so. So I'm hoping that the baby gets there himself in the next four weeks. Which is a pretty likely scenario, really. He still has time and space to move down. And if the doctor confirms Bee's position with an ultrasound, there are some things we can do to try to move him. So I'm not too terribly worried, but I do think it's pretty interesting. I thought that 'breech' and 'head down' were the only positions this Bee could really be in, but apparently that's just not true.
So that's my 36 week update. Just four more weeks until I'm due, and one more week until this baby is officially full-term and won't have required NICU time, which will be a huge relief. No one wants their baby in the NICU, that just sounds horrible
3rd Trimester
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Fun Facts, Week 34
I'm going to forget this stuff if I don't write it down!
- This morning I weighed in at 149 pounds, up 33 pounds from the start. Still on track with my plan of not gaining more than 40. Woo hoo!
- Lately, Josh and I have taken to walking around the block over and over for our evening walk. Eventually, I will start having Braxton Hicks on these walks. By keeping the walks short and repetitive, we can stop as soon as I'm feeling uncomfortable
- On those walks, we talk a lot about how we'll soon be doing it pushing a stroller. It's so thrilling!
- We've been playing a game for the past few weeks that we call "where's the Bee?" Basically, Josh just tries to "find" the baby as fast as he can by feeling around on my belly. The Bee moves from side to side a lot, so it's fun to track it down.
- Recently, the Bee was found on both sides of my belly at this kid is getting BIG!
- The Bee loves music! I went to a youth gathering this past weekend, with a very loud band. When the music came on, the Bee was very active, and I'm CERTAIN he was kicking along with the rhythm of the music. We've got a musical baby!
- We've decided that the cutesy nickname that we're bestowing up our next child will be The Honeybee. We've started referring to it as such, and we call ourselves "The Beekeepers". (we're dorks and we know it)
- I'm feeling pretty good for a 34.5 weeker. My energy is keeping up--I'm sleeping well. I don't have any swelling. I'm still going on walks and doing some exercise-like stretching in the afternoons. The only soreness that I'm really dealing with is my inner thighs. Things are going well, even if I do like to complain about pregnancy sometimes
- I haven't had a ton of craving during pregnancy, but this trimester I've been eating cereal all. the. time. I typically have 2-3 bowls a day of different kinds. I like that it's sweet and crunchy and the milk is nice and cool. So that will probably be THE craving that defines this pregnancy. Sugary cereals.
- That being said, the weirdest thing that I've asked Josh to run out and get for me was EXTRA SHARP cheddar cheese and popsicles. This was awhile ago, so in the dead of winter. What an odd combination but that is WHAT I WANTED and he obliged.
3rd Trimester
Getting Ready for Baby
Well, we're getting down to the wire. Just two more weeks until I'm considered "full term" and five more weeks until my due date! So we're starting to get all of our "stuff" in order for the baby. What an exciting time this is! Last night, we washed and put away all of the baby's things. We only have newborn and 0-3 month clothes right now, since we'll be wanting to buy adorable gender-specific stuff in the bigger sizes. So all of the clothes we have are teensy-tiny and SO CUTE. Folding them is so much fun. A pile of two dozen newborn onesies is just the greatest. We also washed all of the baby's sheets and got the crib and cradle ready to go. So the baby has clothes AND a place to sleep. Check and check. We're trying to be minimalists with the baby gear, since baby things can easily overwhelm a space and budget. And from what I understand...babies don't need nearly as much as Babies R Us would lead you to believe. So as far as baby-gear goes, I think we're set for the fist few weeks, and we plan on purchasing things as we see a need. Here's a basic list of what we do have, for now, in categories:
- Clothes: About 2 dozen onesies, 6 shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 8 sleepers, 2 hats, 2 baby booties, 3 baby mitten sets
- Sleeping: A crib, cradle and pack and play, 2 sets of sheets for each, 4 swaddlers
- Bathing: A dozen baby wash cloths, 3 hooded towels
- Changing: About 30 Newborn cloth diapers and 18 one-size cloth diapers. A changing table, wipes warmer, diaper bag, on-the-go changing pad
- Getting Around: An infant car seat, a convertible car seat, a stroller, a Moby Wrap and a Baby Bjorn
- Feeding: My boobs
- Bath Essentials: shampoo, soap, sponge, tub (maybe?)
- Pumping Stuff: pump, bottles, storage bags, ect.
- General "Health" Items: fingernail clippers, first aid kit, nasal aspirator...
- Diapering stuff: cloth wipes, ointment, diaper liners, small wetbag
- Nice-to-Haves: bouncer, swing, nursing pillow
3rd Trimester
baby clothes
baby gear
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Ok, That's it. I'm done
A friend of mine brought her newborn to bible study this morning. Vaida was born last Thursday, so she is only five days old. Being a fifth-time supermom, the new mother had no problem passing her young baby around.
So there I was, 34.5 weeks pregnant, with the tiniest baby I've ever seen in my arms and O.M.G. y'all. If I wasn't ready to be done with pregnancy before, you bet your fur I was after that experience (1,000 cool point to anyone who can tell me where the phrase 'you bet your fur' comes from).
She was soooo little and precious. She curled up in my arms and squirmed around and let out teeny tiny sighs.
Pregnancy sucks in the third trimester. I'm not a fan of sharing my body and I'm ready to be done. But seeing the result made me want to get to the finish line even more than I already did. 5.5 weeks can't come fast enough!
And for your enjoyment, here's the texting conversation Josh and I had right after my bible study:
Me: I got to hold Vaida and she is so small and she squirmed and I love her.
Him: Sweetheart, your baby is in your belly
Me: I can't have Vaida?
Him: No.
So there I was, 34.5 weeks pregnant, with the tiniest baby I've ever seen in my arms and O.M.G. y'all. If I wasn't ready to be done with pregnancy before, you bet your fur I was after that experience (1,000 cool point to anyone who can tell me where the phrase 'you bet your fur' comes from).
She was soooo little and precious. She curled up in my arms and squirmed around and let out teeny tiny sighs.
Pregnancy sucks in the third trimester. I'm not a fan of sharing my body and I'm ready to be done. But seeing the result made me want to get to the finish line even more than I already did. 5.5 weeks can't come fast enough!
And for your enjoyment, here's the texting conversation Josh and I had right after my bible study:
Me: I got to hold Vaida and she is so small and she squirmed and I love her.
Him: Sweetheart, your baby is in your belly
Me: I can't have Vaida?
Him: No.
3rd Trimester
Other peoples' kids
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Sons and Daughters
Another Gender Post? |
All that being said, one of the most annoying elements about not knowing is the inevitable question of strangers, acquaintances, friends and family: "what do you want it to be"? I'm sure every woman and couple gets this question, but for most, the questions can stop after an anatomy scan tell them what they have. I generally feel like the typical response to this question "we don't care! as long as its healthy!", doesn't come off as extraordinarily genuine. Boys and girls are so different... Surely, everyone must have a preference? I'm always the first person to vehemently speak out against gender preferences and disappointment--I'll tell anyone who asks that I think being disappointed in your child because of your own desires for YOUR life is selfish and vile. And I do, in fact believe that. But just because it's selfish and vile doesn't mean its not a reality for people. It doesn't mean it's not reality for me. As any good Lutheran will tell you--I've been selfish from the moment I was conceived. That doesn't change just because I've suddenly found myself in a position to care for someone else more than myself.
So what is my preference? I've been doing some soul-searching lately to find out. And the most honest answer that I can give right now is this: I don't know. It changes daily, hourly. Ask my husband. I'll wake up in the morning and tell him "I want a girl. Definitely a girl." and by lunch, I'm tearing up at the thought of watching a son learning to put on a tie. But there are definite, solid reasons I would prefer one over the other. Which I'm going to list for your viewing pleasure.
Why I want a daughter: Little girls are amazing. Ask anyone. They are sweet, and gentle and don't generally have the desire to destroy everything in sight. Little girls are easy to love, even when they're not your own. One of my best friends insists that girls are best. Of course, this friend has an amazing little daughter who biases her. Monica is an insanely beautiful baby, with adorable feminine cries and babbles , a spunky personality and the cutest wardrobe. But the stand-out reason I want a daughter is this: I want someone to whom I can pass on my feminine knowledge. I hate to toot my own horn, but I think I am damn good at being a woman. I am confident in myself, my body, my marriage and my life. I'm comfortable in my femininity. Which is a long and hard place to get to by the ripe old age of 24. The ages of 13-18ish are not easy for a girl to handle. But I've steered my way through, and come out on the other side, and I'm proud of who I am. Proud of my womanhood. And now, I want to pass on that pride and self-acceptance to someone else. I wouldn't know where to start with a son. But with a daughter, I think I could successfully raise her up to be a strong, happy and healthy woman. And it's something that I desperately want to do.
Why I want a son: There's a lot of little reasons I want a son. I think we would worry less about a son. I think, despite it being 2012, the world is a little easier for the men of the world. I think it's easier for a man to find a good Christian wife, than for a woman to find a man of God (is that not giving my Christian brothers enough credit? Sorry boys.). Boys seem so much easier during what I assume is the scariest time for parents: the teen years. As cringe-worthy as it sounds, I think there is some validity to the old joke "With a son, you only have to worry about one penis". But the real, honest reason that I long for a son? That's easy.
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Was anyone expecting a picture of Jesus? |
3rd Trimester
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
As Promised...
Photos! Week 32!
Basically, I've been avoiding posting photos like the PLAGUE because I think I look just terrible. I managed to snap a few tonight though that I think don't look half bad. Ignore the fact that my hair and skin look terrible and just focus on the adorable baby belly, ok? That's what keeps me happy!
3rd Trimester
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Josh's Birthday and 32 Weeks!
I can't believe it's March! I can officially say I'm having a baby next month! (if the Bee doesn't decide to wait around until May or make an early appearance). Time sure does fly. I keep hearing that the next eight weeks are going to creep by. I certainly hope so, because we've got a lot to get done before this little baby makes his/her appearance!
It was Josh's (real) birthday yesterday! Fact--I have never celebrated a "real" birthday with Josh. Last Leap Day, Josh was enjoying his birthday with his parents and some friends from college. They dressed up in formal dresses and suits and hit the town--by going to Old Chicago in Lincoln, Nebraska! (yes, he was kind of lame before he met me). Josh and I had our very first date in March that year, so I JUST missed his real birthday. So now it's four years later, we're married with a baby on the way and I've never gotten to experience the wonder that is Josh's actual birthday. I asked him if he would have thought in 2008 that he would have a wife and baby by his next birthday and he said he never would have imagined it. So much can happen between Leap days--I wonder where we'll be next time!
But anyway, as of tomorrow I am 32 weeks along, and my due date is now less than two months away. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and everything is coming along. My blood pressure is still normal, I've gained a total of 30 pounds, which keeps me on track to keep under my goal of 40. My fundal height was a teensy bit big, meaning the baby could be big, or I could go into labor a little early. But it's really too soon to tell. The doctor will know more after my next appointment.
I've been fighting UTIs this entire pregnancy (TMI?). My urine went in for one final test on Tuesday and if it comes back positive, I'll have to remain on antibiotics for the rest of the pregnancy, and possibly during labor and delivery as well. It's kind of a bummer, and you never like to hear 'bad' news at the doctor's office, but the baby is healthy and I'll remain healthy once I'm on medicine. So I can't complain too much.
My hips are noticeably wider this week--my maternity jeans aren't fitting as comfortably. Which means I'm reduced to work pants and dresses. I wish I could wear flowy springy dresses 24/7 but Michigan weather is not allowing that yet. Hopefully soon I'll be in the clear. Dresses are super-comfy and I've been wearing them around the house fairly often.
That's pretty much it for this update. I promise I'll post pictures of me soon, as well as some nursery progress photos. Josh's parents are coming to visit tomorrow, so I've got some housework that needs to take priority, but then I'll be all over it!
Auf wiedersehen my lovlies!
It was Josh's (real) birthday yesterday! Fact--I have never celebrated a "real" birthday with Josh. Last Leap Day, Josh was enjoying his birthday with his parents and some friends from college. They dressed up in formal dresses and suits and hit the town--by going to Old Chicago in Lincoln, Nebraska! (yes, he was kind of lame before he met me). Josh and I had our very first date in March that year, so I JUST missed his real birthday. So now it's four years later, we're married with a baby on the way and I've never gotten to experience the wonder that is Josh's actual birthday. I asked him if he would have thought in 2008 that he would have a wife and baby by his next birthday and he said he never would have imagined it. So much can happen between Leap days--I wonder where we'll be next time!
But anyway, as of tomorrow I am 32 weeks along, and my due date is now less than two months away. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and everything is coming along. My blood pressure is still normal, I've gained a total of 30 pounds, which keeps me on track to keep under my goal of 40. My fundal height was a teensy bit big, meaning the baby could be big, or I could go into labor a little early. But it's really too soon to tell. The doctor will know more after my next appointment.
I've been fighting UTIs this entire pregnancy (TMI?). My urine went in for one final test on Tuesday and if it comes back positive, I'll have to remain on antibiotics for the rest of the pregnancy, and possibly during labor and delivery as well. It's kind of a bummer, and you never like to hear 'bad' news at the doctor's office, but the baby is healthy and I'll remain healthy once I'm on medicine. So I can't complain too much.
My hips are noticeably wider this week--my maternity jeans aren't fitting as comfortably. Which means I'm reduced to work pants and dresses. I wish I could wear flowy springy dresses 24/7 but Michigan weather is not allowing that yet. Hopefully soon I'll be in the clear. Dresses are super-comfy and I've been wearing them around the house fairly often.
That's pretty much it for this update. I promise I'll post pictures of me soon, as well as some nursery progress photos. Josh's parents are coming to visit tomorrow, so I've got some housework that needs to take priority, but then I'll be all over it!
Auf wiedersehen my lovlies!
3rd Trimester
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