Well, we're getting down to the wire. Just two more weeks until I'm considered "full term" and five more weeks until my due date! So we're starting to get all of our "stuff" in order for the baby. What an exciting time this is! Last night, we washed and put away all of the baby's things. We only have newborn and 0-3 month clothes right now, since we'll be wanting to buy adorable gender-specific stuff in the bigger sizes. So all of the clothes we have are teensy-tiny and SO CUTE. Folding them is so much fun. A pile of two dozen newborn onesies is just the greatest. We also washed all of the baby's sheets and got the crib and cradle ready to go. So the baby has clothes AND a place to sleep. Check and check. We're trying to be minimalists with the baby gear, since baby things can easily overwhelm a space and budget. And from what I understand...babies don't need nearly as much as Babies R Us would lead you to believe. So as far as baby-gear goes, I think we're set for the fist few weeks, and we plan on purchasing things as we see a need. Here's a basic list of what we do have, for now, in categories:
- Clothes: About 2 dozen onesies, 6 shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 8 sleepers, 2 hats, 2 baby booties, 3 baby mitten sets
- Sleeping: A crib, cradle and pack and play, 2 sets of sheets for each, 4 swaddlers
- Bathing: A dozen baby wash cloths, 3 hooded towels
- Changing: About 30 Newborn cloth diapers and 18 one-size cloth diapers. A changing table, wipes warmer, diaper bag, on-the-go changing pad
- Getting Around: An infant car seat, a convertible car seat, a stroller, a Moby Wrap and a Baby Bjorn
- Feeding: My boobs
And...that's pretty much it, for now. I'm working on my list of "to buys" which looks something like this:
- Bath Essentials: shampoo, soap, sponge, tub (maybe?)
- Pumping Stuff: pump, bottles, storage bags, ect.
- General "Health" Items: fingernail clippers, first aid kit, nasal aspirator...
- Diapering stuff: cloth wipes, ointment, diaper liners, small wetbag
- Nice-to-Haves: bouncer, swing, nursing pillow
So there you have it. What am I missing? I'm sure we'll find out
quickly when the kid gets here. It's fun to imagine what the baby will be like. I feel like so many baby purchases are dependent on the personality of the child. When people write out lists of essentials, they are always so different. I can't wait to get to know this little baby and figure out what his or her specific needs are.
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