Cloth diapers make him look so disproportionate |
This post is a little late (ok ok.. five days late. Which in Rhett time is a long time!) But Rhett was one month old last Saturday! I can't believe it! I kept telling him that "1/12 of your babyhood is gone now!". It is crazy how fast the last month has been and how different our little baby is already. Even though he is still (a little) smaller than an average newborn, he has grown by more than two pounds and he already looks big to me! I'm already getting misty-eyed at the thought that he's just going to keep growing and growing until the day he leaves for college! Sad!
Rhett and I aren't very photogenic together. We do our best.
As of today, Rhett is getting a little more independent. We can put him down without him crying right away and at times, he seems to prefer his space. My little baby already wants to be away from us sometimes! Boo hoo! He also is starting to want to be entertained more. We've been experimenting with giving him a rattle. He definitely doesn't 'get' it yet, but he likes to look at it and I think he'll start shaking it soon.
I'm so in love with our little boy! He is just perfect and we are so amazed every day by the blessing he has been in our lives. Happy One-Month-Birthday Baby Boy!
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