This past weekend, I said "bubye" to my 24th year of life. And what a year it was! Graduation, internship, a move, and of course a pregnancy and a baby! Last June, I never would have expected that my life would change so much by the time I turned 25. I could not have even imagined that twists and turns that this year has provided and the wonderful gift I got at the end in the form of a giggling bundle of joy named Rhett (count the cliches in that sentence folks!)
Auntie Em |
Uncle Andy |
My mom and siblings came up for my birthday this year. (I'm suspicious that the real reason they came was to see the baby and no one REALLY cares about my birthday anymore. Can't say I blame them.) This was a particularity special weekend because my siblings go to meet Rhett for the first time! It was great to get to see them holding and talking to the baby. It's going to be so much fun when Rhett's a little bigger and he can enjoy some video game time with Dad and Uncle Andrew. My sister enjoyed getting some snapshots of the baby and of our newly completed little family. I don't get many opportunities to get shots of the three of us, so I really appreciated her photographing us.
I'm going to miss our back yard when we move! |
My mom brought me a cake that was made by a friend of hers. It was a lovely piece of work. Mom chose a bumblebee hive, obviously representative of the year that our little Bee came into our lives. It even had two big bees and one little Bee up at the top. It was perfect! (and so thoughtful!) It was fun to have a nice cake. My family also picked up some sparklers in the shape of a "25" to go on top of the cake. The baby thought they were pretty much the coolest thing ever, he couldn't take his eyes off of them. We skyped with my dad to hear the "Happy Birthday" song.
24 served me well. Here's hoping that 25 brings even more joy, love and laughter into our lives. There's some remarkable things coming up this year (a move! a new job! tons of firsts for Rhett! A NEW BROTHER-IN-LAW!). I can't wait for the ride! (so...what's the final count for cliches in this whole post? Bueller?)
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