Elephants! |
Rhett's an incredibly laid-back baby. At this age, it's really easy to pop him in the car and head out for an activity. Josh and I have never liked being cooped up in the house too long, and in St. Louis, there's a variety of free things to do. We've taken him a lot of places since we've moved here and we love the freedom he's given us to get out of the house and experience some new things together as a family. Our favorite spot is the St. Louis Zoo, where we've been a few times a week. It's nice to just walk around and enjoy being outside. We live in sort of a suburban area and (unlike all of the places we've lived in the last five years), it's not a place where we can exactly go for an evening stroll, which is something we've always enjoyed. So instead, we walk around the zoo. Rhett love to look at the animals. I wouldn't think a baby his age would be terribly interested, but he focuses in on them and watches them carefully. I keep saying he's going to be a scientists. He just likes to observe everything!
Sea-Lion Enclosure. No seal-lions out today. |
We've really taken to baby-wearing over using the stroller. Rhett really, really hates being in his stroller. He likes to be close to us, and he likes to be high enough that he can see things well, so wearing him in the Bjorn is really the best option for his comfort. Additionally, I hate pushing the stroller around through the crowds at the more touristy locations we visit. I'm looking into carriers that we can use as he gets bigger and bigger, because I just hate the stroller so much.
We also took a trip to the Science Museum recently. I think we'll really like to take Rhett there when he's a little older. They had a TON of hands-on exhibits for kids. It was a really nice museum with a lot to do and see. Josh was shocked to learn that I've never been to a planetarium. We plan on going sometime sans-baby.
Don't worry guys. It's not real. |
We also headed out to a brewery tour this Saturday. St. Lois has a "rich beer history", according to our tour guide. This particular tour is close to our house. It's a micro-brewery, and we had a lot of fun learning about their history and tasting some of their samples of beer. I was a little nervous having Rhett at such an obviously adult-only location, but he slept through almost all of the tour, so he didn't bother anyone. When he wasn't sleeping, he enjoyed checking out the large, shiny vats of beer. I guess it doesn't take much to keep this kid entertained.
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