Saturday, July 19, 2014

30 Weeks

This has pretty much been my pregnancy style for the hot St. Louis summer. Maxi dress + the same sleeveless denim cardigan. All. Summer. Long. I was kind of dreading being in my third trimester in the summer heat but it hasn't actually been too bad. I like that it allows me to dress in clothes that show off my pregnancy a bit more. When I was pregnant with Rhett in the cold Michigan winter, I was pretty covered up with bulky sweaters and coats.

Anyway...this pregnancy is trucking right along. It's kind of amazing how opposite these pregnancies have treated me. Physically, I'm a lot more exhausted this time around. My hips and thighs are usually pretty sore by the end of the day. I've had restless legs keeping me up at night and just generally feel pretty huge, all the time. But emotionally, it's been a lot easier this time around. I felt wholly unprepared for a baby when I was pregnant with Rhett and as my due date approached, I just felt like it was almost exam day for a test I'd surely fail. That all sounds dramatic, but really. This time I've been very happy and excited to meet our little one! Also, I think I look about a hundred times better this time around, which is much more fun.

I've been getting a bit paranoid about the possibility of a reoccurrence of IUGR, so I asked my doctor if we could do a growth ultrasound. I'll go in this week and see if Poppy is on track. Then I'll just have one more appointment before our move down to Florida! I've got about two months until her birthday and we can't wait!

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