Sunday, September 28, 2014
Poppy's Baptism
We were thrilled and honored to welcome Poppy Kay into God's family today though the waters of Holy Baptism. Poppy did so well in church, even though I was afraid she'd be starving by the time the baptism started! Josh got to lead the service and baptize her, which was a really special moment. It turned out to be a good thing that his first baptism at our church was his own child's, because he accidentally poured all three shells of water directly on her face. I could not stop laughing, but another parent may not have been so amused. She handled it in stride. Rhett got to come up to the front and see his sister getting baptized, but was more interested in why Uncle Andrew didn't come up to the front too! It was a lovely service and it was so wonderful to have my family there to celebrate the milestone. Happy Baptismal Birthday, Poppy!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Poppy at One Week
Poppy is such a sweet little baby. She's a good eater and a good sleeper and she fits into our family so well. We are so happy that she's here and that she's healthy. It's hard for me to believe that when Rhett was one week old, he was still in the isolette at the hospital. We've been so blessed to be able to bring our baby home so soon this time around and we're loving getting to know her.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Rhett, the Big Brother
Rhett got to meet his little sister this morning! All things considered, I think it went pretty well. He came into our room immediately wanting to say hi to her, pat her and give her hugs and kisses. He climbed right up in the bed next to me and cuddled with us for a few minutes. He and Josh went to pick up a cake before stopping by and as soon as Josh pulled it out, Rhett was done with Poppy and I and ready to get down to some delicious birthday cake and singing! I'm really excited for Rhett and Poppy to have one another through the years. From what I can tell so far, they look a lot alike but in most other ways, she doesn't remind me much of him when he was a newborn. She is a lot fussier than he was, and a much better eater! We're so happy to be a family of four now and are truly blessed to have two amazing little ones to raise and love.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Happy Birthday Poppy!
We made it up to my scheduled C-section! Poppy Kay was born this afternoon at 1:04, weighing in at 7 lbs, 3 oz and was 20 inches long. We were so blessed for a complication-free pregnancy and delivery this time around. It was such a wonderful experience to actually get to hear my baby cry and wail in the operating room and to spend so much time bonding with her today. (as I write this she is curled up on my chest, fast asleep).
From the time we got to the hospital to when I held her in my arms was about two and a half hours, and let me tell you, every minute snarled by. I'm not sure why time slows down so significantly in the last weeks of pregnancy and then speeds up after the baby comes. I know soon, she'll be a two year old that thinks the only acceptable breakfast is milkshakes and birthday cake (sidenote--Rhett has developed quite the sweet tooth).
Ready to go! I got nauseous from the anesthesia this time, which I didn't expect. I figured that if I was good the first time, I'd be fine this time too. I was wrong. I was terrified of getting sick in the OR but the anesthesiologist was able to give me some medicine pretty quickly that settled my stomach and it wasn't a problem.
The rest of my surgery took about 45 minutes and they felt long. But as soon as I was wheeled into recovery, Josh was able to meet me with our little girl. We're so in love!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
From the time we got to the hospital to when I held her in my arms was about two and a half hours, and let me tell you, every minute snarled by. I'm not sure why time slows down so significantly in the last weeks of pregnancy and then speeds up after the baby comes. I know soon, she'll be a two year old that thinks the only acceptable breakfast is milkshakes and birthday cake (sidenote--Rhett has developed quite the sweet tooth).
Poor Josh had to wait outside the operating room while I had my spinal inserted. He took some pictures of this clock so that we'd always remember what time the surgery started. I think he really needed something to do because I'm pretty sure waiting outside a door while your wife is about to give birth is a really tough thing to handle.
Ready to go! I got nauseous from the anesthesia this time, which I didn't expect. I figured that if I was good the first time, I'd be fine this time too. I was wrong. I was terrified of getting sick in the OR but the anesthesiologist was able to give me some medicine pretty quickly that settled my stomach and it wasn't a problem.
I'll spare you the graphic photo of little Poppy being lifted about the curtain, but it was a great moment. We missed it with Rhett because he needed emergency care immediately. It was so nice to see her and to hear her little wails that meant she was healthy and HERE, finally. They got her cleaned up pretty quickly and whisked her off to the nursery for all of the usual tests and measurements.
The rest of my surgery took about 45 minutes and they felt long. But as soon as I was wheeled into recovery, Josh was able to meet me with our little girl. We're so in love!
Rhett is coming to meet his sister tomorrow morning. I'm so excited to see my little boy become a big brother. I'll be sure to post photos of the big event.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Ready or Not!
Tomorrow's the big day! I'm schedule to be admitted into the hospital at 10:30 in the morning for my c-section and our little girl should be here before 1:00! I"m very much looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. One of my college friends is arriving in a couple of hours to stay with Rhett while we're in the hospital. We're thinking that we'll wait to bring him in for a visit until Wednesday morning. We had thought about brining him in Tuesday evening, and we still might. But I'm a bit worried about him seeing me really drugged up and immobile. We'll play it by ear. I think he'll be really excited to see his sister. I'm looking forward to a better birthing experience this time around. So much was up in the air in the weeks leading up to Rhett's birth. I wasn't sure how long he'd need care or how I'd feel after giving birth. I was physically comfortable but an emotional mess throughout my pregnancy with him. This time, it's the opposite and even though I haven't slept normally in weeks, I've had a much better pregnancy this time around. I can't wait to meet our little girl!
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