Rhett got to meet his little sister this morning! All things considered, I think it went pretty well. He came into our room immediately wanting to say hi to her, pat her and give her hugs and kisses. He climbed right up in the bed next to me and cuddled with us for a few minutes. He and Josh went to pick up a cake before stopping by and as soon as Josh pulled it out, Rhett was done with Poppy and I and ready to get down to some delicious birthday cake and singing! I'm really excited for Rhett and Poppy to have one another through the years. From what I can tell so far, they look a lot alike but in most other ways, she doesn't remind me much of him when he was a newborn. She is a lot fussier than he was, and a much better eater! We're so happy to be a family of four now and are truly blessed to have two amazing little ones to raise and love.

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