Well Poppy is four weeks old and I though I'd write just bit about having two kids and about their relationship with one another!
I had been told by friends, bloggers and even my own mother that going from 1-2 kids is the most difficult transition. I was prepared to be overwhelmed and overworked. But the adjustment has actually been easier for me than going from 0-1. I didn't think adding Rhett to our life was a huge adjustment, but looking back, I think it was more difficult than I thought it was at the time. I was awfully emotional for a really long time and it took me a really long time to not be constantly worried about him. With Poppy though, I'm much a much calmer mother.
Rhett has really made parenting two easy. He absolutely adores his sister. He wakes up every morning looking for her and gives her millions of kisses every day. When she cries, he sprints to let us know and then off to his room to get his snuggle blanket to make her feel better. He helps me fetch diapers, wipes and pacifiers when I ask.
Poppy is a really low-key baby. She's a fast eater. She's up 2-3 times a night, but usually for no longer than fifteen minutes. She generally finishes up her last feeding about an hour before Rhett wakes up. Right now, Josh takes her at that time and I go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Josh gets both kids ready for the day and I wake up right before he heads out the door. So I've been getting plenty of sleep, which helps me keep my sanity throughout the day. In the afternoon, the kids are roughly on the same sleep schedule. I generally get two hours to myself while they nap. I try to divide that time between relaxation and chores. I'm sure Poppy's schedule will be changing as she gets bigger, but right now I'm feeling pretty spoiled by these two. They're easy, loving, wonderful little people and I feel so honored to be their mother. 
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