Wednesday, October 24, 2012

6 Months of Rhett

Chair photos are hard at six months!

I'll spare you a side-by-side newborn to baby Rhett picture extravaganza this month. I already posted a comparison video and I'll probably do a photo collage at some point.

But you guys! My baby is six. months. old. Half of his babyhood is gone! In just six more months, he'll be one! He's going to be toddling around before we know it, and I can't even believe it! The last six months have flown by. We are enjoying Rhett more and more every day. He's such a joy!

Cute boy
Rhett's personality has come alive this month. He suddenly seems to know exactly what he wants all the time and he gets really frustrated when he can't communicate it to us. He's obviously developing cognitively too--he is so interested in the world around him and always has an inquisitive look on his face. I noticed that when he drops something out of his line of site, he'll lean far over to try and find it. He realizes it's on the ground, so he has the basics of gravity and cause and effect DOWN (he's going to be a scientist. I'm sure of it)

We got to experience the wonderful world of teething this month. Rhett has two teeth on the bottom. He was really irritable and ran a small fever for the first tooth. The second wasn't as bad. Hopefully he'll be able to tolerate the pain better as he gets older.

He want to crawl so badly. We've been giving him lots of tummy time and home and he tries to get to a toy or to his daddy, but he usually ends up rolling over on his back, in the opposite direction--further away from his destination. It's funny because he'll get a really frustrated look on his face, and then look up at us as if to say " going to turn me back over, or what?" (he can't roll over from back to front yet either).

Rhett's grown to love his stuffed animals and his books. He likes being with mom and dad and the sound of the vacuum cleaner. He loves blowing rasperries and spit bubbles and just recently, being tickled and playing peek-a-boo. He laughs when we so hard when we do and he's been making friend with the other babies on campus.
He can sit up on his on for a minute or so now (when we prop him up). We've been able to put him in high chairs in restaurants  which has just been amazing. It's nice to be able to eat without having to hold him--particularly because he now tries to grab things off our plates.
As of today, Rhett has tried pears, sweet potatoes, avocado and carrots. His favorite seems to be the pears, but he pretty much responds with utter confusion at any solids right now.

He sleeps though the night, most nights. He's been teething and had a cold for the past few weeks, so sometimes he'll wake up and need to be comforted. He's also eating like a horse (around 40 oz of milk a day!). So once in awhile, he'll wake up in the middle of the night, or really early in the morning for a bottle. He's really good about going right back to sleep though. Which we appreciate. 

He's also started to grow some hair! It's hard to see in pictures, but his hair is getting longer and thicker by the day. It's still very much 'baby hair"--very wispy and fine. It's hard to tell, but it looks like it has hints of red in it, which took us by surprise! Josh has reddish facial hair, and apparently his grandfather was a redhead. It would be so funny to have a little boy with red hair! We'll see how it looks when it gets longer. 
Can you see the hair?
We're excited for the month to come! Grandpa is visiting, we're going to all dress up as a family for Halloween, and we're keeping our fingers crossed that Rhett will make some progress on the crawling front (he wants it so bad!)

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