Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's a Girl!

We were thrilled to find out this afternoon that we're expecting a little girl in September! I was suspecting it was a girl this time around, but I was nowhere near the certainty that I felt when I was pregnant with Rhett. I think Rhett will really enjoy having a little sister to watch after and we're certainly looking forward to raising a daughter! I've always pictured us with "one of each" and we couldn't be more delighted with our family.

Really, there was no better way to announce our news to Rhett than balloons. That boy loves some freaking balloons.

We may have decided on a name but we're not putting any pressure on ourselves for the time being. We're test driving our frontrunner, Poppy this week. So far, it's felt like a really good fit so it might end up being her name! A middle name will be another story, but hopefully the right name will come to us soon.

We can't wait to meet her!

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