Thursday, November 3, 2011

15 Weeks!

Here I am at 15 Weeks! 

So yikes. Here's a picture of me at 15 weeks. Sorry about the quality, I ended up doing it off of the computer. My weight is hovering right below 130.  In my personal opinion that is waaaaay too much for this early in the pregnancy. My doctor told me this morning that it's fine, some people put on a lot in the beginning and it doesn't necessarily mean I'll keep putting it on at that rate. But she doesn't want me to gain more than 25 total. So to me, being at thirteenish right now is scary. I don't want to be one of those women that put on 75+ pounds. The temptation to eat is very real, so I can see it happening quickly. And once it's on, I can't safely try to lose it until after I give birth. So it's time to buckle down and watch what I'm eating. I'm making it a goal to gain no more than 35 (screw you, doctor...who gains 25?). That would put me at 152 when I give birth, and I think I can live with that. 

Last night, I went through my wardrobe, and boxed up everything that I can't wear anymore. I am pretty determined to not spend a ton of money on maternity clothes. So I'm trying to get a lot of wear out of my  normal wardrobe. For the most part, the issue right now is that I've probably gained two cup sizes onto my chest. It was just this week that my stomach starting popping out and I can't fit into my regular pants anymore without leaving them unbuttoned. A lot of women have recommended looping a rubber band through the top button to get more wear out of non-maternity pants. I've done this a few times, and while it feels a little ghetto, I like it for now. I miss my old clothes and it's nice to be able to hang onto some of them a little longer. I have been gifted/purchased three pairs of pants, a dress and about five tops. Those things combined with my array of cardigans and jackets should last me awhile. I've also been promised clothes from a few women at church, but they haven't given them to me yet...and I can't very well ask, can I?

It's nice to have a more pronounced "bump" now. I can definitely look pregnant if I want to (wear the right clothes), which is fun. I had my very first "bump touch". A woman I worked with asked if she could touch my belly. I'm sure this is going to get annoying fast, but right now the attention is nice. The first trimester of pregnancy is pretty miserable, so I'm just starting to venture out into the "fun" of it. And that makes me very happy indeed.

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