Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Long Overdue First Post

Well, Hello! I'm so glad you've found you're way to my blog. I started this blog as a way to keep track of my life during this very special time. People tell me how easy it is to forget the details of pregnancy and having a newborn. I'd like to remember! So I am committing to writing it down here. I am going to write in this blog at least once a week. I can't promise I'll always be writing about pregnancy, or that my posts will always (or ever) be interesting. But still want to do it. And I'd be grateful if you popped in every once in awhile to see how I'm doing!

Me, pre-pregnancy
I'm going to start by going backwards in time a little bit. This is what I looked like before I got pregnant: I realize it's not the best picture of me in the world, but it was one of the only ones I have that's of just me and I'm wearing something that's fairly form-fitting. In the interest of full disclosure, I started this pregnancy out at 117 pounds with dimensions of 34-27-35. And I'm 5'5''.

I started to seriously suspect I was pregnant when I was in my office one day and quite hungry. I had a bag of pretzel M&M's in my desk, so I grabbed a handful and chowed down. As soon as I started eating them, I felt instantly nauseous. It was a pretty big flag for me. I had been expecting my period for a few days at that point, and hadn't had it. That wasn't a huge indicator, because my cycles have always been really long and irregular. But the two together made me suspicious enough to run to Walgreen's and buy a pregnancy test. Sure enough, two blue lines appeared on the test. I told Josh right away, and he was very excited. I was shaking and in shock. We went for a walk to calm my nerves and the rest, as they say, is history.

That was about ten weeks ago, and I'm still in awe today of how quickly everything has happened. Our lives are obviously about to change greatly and it feels so surreal. I've been eying babies and pregnant women in stores and it just doesn't seem possible that that's who I am now. This journey is going to be life-changing, and I am thrilled to have a place to write about it. My hope is that I can look back on these entries some day and read about feelings and moments long forgotten.

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