Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rhett (and Hannah's!) First Trip to the Apple Orchard

I know what you're thinking. My sunglasses are cool.

Today was the first day of Fall. I love Fall--the weather, the trees, the food--it's my favorite season. Today was an absolutely gorgeous day--High of 70, clear skies, and a mild breeze. We took the opportunity to go apple-picking--a Fall activity that I have actually never done, despite my love for the season. We headed out to Centennial Farms in Augusta, and had a great time walking around the farm and choosing the perfect apples.
The best apples are at the top
I wore Rhett for this excursion (have I gushed enough about the connivence of baby-wearing?) We picked about five pounds of apples, which we'll probably just snack on, though I do want to try my hand at making a little bit of baby-food with them. I think Rhett will really enjoy apples (don't all babies?)

We lead busy lives now that school has started. But it's really important to us to get to experience things as a family. That might be a bit silly, as our baby can't really process the things we take him to. But we enjoy being together and sitting around the house all day, every day gets old fast. We like for Rhett to experience things and St. Louis has so many wonderful things to offer. We're going to try to go on family outings as much as we possibly can.

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